Uniform of Google & Apple OS ?
4/26/2011 14:03  Resource:CWW  Author:Chen Zhigang

The authorities call for a unified mobile phone operating system of the three major operators, and operators were required to push an operating system. from the national security to the mobile Internet industry,which demonstrates the unity of how important mobile operating system is.

This reminds us of a problem, since the mobile phone operating system is so important, why do not the U.S. FCC unify Google and Apple's operating system, and this can show us disdain for the world from the United States?

Obviously, if this happened to FCC, it will be sued by Google and Apple for interruption for the business of the enterprises.So FCC did not dare.

In fact, If the FCC intervenes, Government colors will be attached on Apple and Google's smart phone operating system and this will only lead to U.S. companies to die faster.

But the other hand, China's industry department is accustomed to put forward a standard, and list the important projects they think. The outcome, you can look up the information over the years and recalled products on the market, is seems to disappear.

In fact, the currently most needed is not a unified so-called OS, mobile phone operating system, as we all know the operating system is just one of their terminal differentiation competitive strategy.

If you really want the local industry can compete with foreign operating systems, the key is to cultivate a few to rival Google and Apple.

To cultivate more competitive world-class enterprise, rather than get entangled with several national unity of operating system, which will be more conducive to enhance the safety and competitiveness of China's mobile Internet industry.


编 辑:张丽    联系电话:010-67114335     
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