Reconciliation:the best solution for Ericsson Vs. ZTE
4/15/2011 13:10  Resource:通信世界网  Author:Liu Qicheng

Recently the lawsuit continued between communications vendors, such as Ericsson Vs. ZTE, Huawei Vs.Motorola, Nokia Vs. Apple.It seems that the intellectual property djsputes among giants is liked the clashes between Mars and the earth., but the truth is the interests of gaming with the end result of reconciliation.

This is because, for the big giant, and no permanent enemies and friends. They can work together in partnership for common interests, or otherwise you can fight each other to maximize protection of their interests. But the fight has the bottom line and it is artistic. There is not struggle between life and death in today's troubled world, which is the win-win situation to jointly promote industrial development. Win-win situation or fighting the two injuries? if we really playing protracted lawsuit, nobody can afford to the result. Therefore the final outcome is the reconciliation.

The lawsuit between Huawei and Motorola already has the result: the evening of April 13 the two sides jointly issued a statement of reconciliation. Of course, how the two sides reached an agreement behind with no details available, but one thing is clear, which lies in both sides’ achievement of what they want.

Research Institute of Ministry of Industry and Telecommunications Research Institute Ding Daoqin said, " the reconciliation between Huawei and Motorola is not an accident, but which is a win-win situation for both." Ericsson and ZTE have fallen into a tug of war, and nobody seems to give way. It is also normal, as the two sides have not reached their goal. But in the end, it seems that only reconciliation is the only way.

As far as ZTE is concerned, the longer the case dragged on the greater their influence in European market became. The above said, the struggle between the giants is artistic. Ericsson proposed the lawsuit to the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany, on ZTE was involved in 2G and 3G (GSM and WCDMA) as part of the patent, including the 5 kinds of ZTE GSM mobile phones. Most countries in Europe and America,  when corporate patent litigation once  it is filed, the related products may not be sold during the proceedings. ZTE has developed the market in recent years focused in Europe and with a little fruit. Last year EU became the largest proportion of ZTE overseas income. Such a hard process will drag at least Europe's cooperation with ZTE, which is what Ericsson want to see.

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