Alcatel-Lucent:Theremaybe trouble ahead
9/18/2007 09:55  Resource:CWW  Author£ºOVUM Steven Hartley

    US-French equipment vendor Alcatel-Lucent issued its third financial warning since its merger came into effect at the beginning of the year. It now expects full year revenue for 2007 to be 'flat to slightly up', instead of the 'mid single digits' revenue growth previously anticipated. Profitability in Q3 is forecast to be breakeven.

    Another quarter and another profit warning from Alcatel-Lucent. The announcement is a continuation of the trends seen over the last two quarters and has worried already nervous investors, as evidenced by a 9% drop in the share price yesterday. It will undoubtedly increase the pressure on CEO Pat Russo.

    Neither Ericsson nor Nokia Siemens Networks shares were markedly affected by yesterday's announcement, so this appears to be an Alcatel-Lucent phenomenon. So what is Alcatel-Lucent doing wrong?

    Yesterday's announcement laid the blame on 'a change in capital spending' among North America mobile operators, the former Lucent's stronghold. Revenues in the wireless business group of the Carrier segment have been declining since the merger and laying the blame here shows that they have not been able to turn things around quickly. Unfortunately for Alcatel-Lucent, our forecasts predict that capex among North American mobile operators will fall by 1% between 2007 and 2012. Therefore, reduced customer spending is unlikely to turnaround quickly and Alcatel-Lucent must be proactive in its response.

    The statement did confirm that the forecast cost savings for the year are on target. Therefore, as we saw in the Q2 results (see EuroView, July 31, 2007), the merger is succeeding in cutting costs, but is not yet generating new revenue. However, Alcatel-Lucent conceded that the margins provided by the savings will be eroded by price pressure. The gathering clouds are too dark for a silver lining at the moment.

    Financial instability is not something customers look for in a supplier, so the longer Alcatel-Lucent struggles the harder it will become for them to sell. To avoid being sucked into this vicious circle the focus must now be on sales growth, but how?

    It won't be a surpriseto see changes at Alcatel-Lucent over the coming months in several areas. An injection of fresh ideas, energy and morale is needed in the management team at all levels. Alcatel-Lucent will hope that the senior management shuffle in August will help, but it may not be enough. Also, asset disposals may also be an (albeit short-term) option to boost cash. Finally, refreshing the product portfolio offers longer-term hope, but will not be a quick fix.

    It is still too early to say that the merger has failed completely. However, pressure to deliver on the promises made before the merger is mounting and tough decisions await Alcatel-Lucent over the coming months.

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