Guangdong Mobile Stops Cooperation With 400 SPs
9/12/2007 11:03  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    In the first seven months of this year, Guangdong Mobile says it looked into the complaints of more than 600 wireless value-added service providers, and stopped cooperating with about 400 of them.

    In regulating service providers, Guangdong Mobile mainly focused on cracking down on those sending short messages that had caused "bad social effects". This means the sending of pornographic information or unsolicited messages.

    According to a regulation Guangdong Mobile released in March, the telecom paused providing services to any service provider once there was a complaint against that service provider, and it would not resume services until the relevant problem was clarified. In addition, Guangdong Mobile is issuing a warning for the first major offense, and will cease all cooperation with a service provider once that service provider receives two warnings in a 3-month period.

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