Samsung Expands Overseas R&D Service
8/31/2007 10:34  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    South Korean mobile phone manufacturer Samsung has announced plans to expand its R&D center in Poland, India and China to enhance its position in the global telecom network market.

    Samsung said that it would add more engineers and labs in the R&D centers in China and India and would set up a telecom research institution in Warsaw, Poland very soon.

    Samsung will implement the expansion plan in the coming month. It will use the new R&D centers for mobile phone software engineering and development and customized software for the global market.

    Geesung Choi, President of Samsung's Telecommunication Business, said that Samsung had long focused on the research and development of burgeoning market like middle Europe, India and China and he expected that Samsung's position in these regions would be further strengthened with this approach.

    Samsung's telecom network service includes mobile phone and telecom infrastructure. At present, the company runs five overseas R&D centers which are located in Britain, United States, China, Israel and India, respectively.

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