Verizon Business Enhances SIP Gateway Service
8/21/2007 13:07  Resource:Xchange Online  Author£ºXchange Online

    Verizon Business is adding a series of eBonding and Web-based enhancements to its SIP Gateway Service, which will let customers place, modify and check their orders. The additions will be available next month.

    One of the enhancements will give wholesale customers continual access to Verizon Business' eBonding system. Wholesale customers also will have the ability to place orders and check order status on a secure Web site via Portfolio. With Portfolio's bulk-file upload function, wholesale customers will be able to speed up large orders by sending transactions on a spreadsheet all at once.

    Wholesale customers also will be able to receive a list of allocated telephone numbers that enable them to provide phone numbers to a customer at the time that customer places an order instead of waiting for the order to be confirmed by Verizon Business.

    The SIP Gateway Service was launched in 2005. Wholesale products are sold by Verizon Partner Solutions and Verizon Business International Partner Solutions.

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