Chinese Websites Punished For Publishing Porn
8/16/2007 10:58  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    As a result of publishing pornographic novels, 348 websites in China have either been punished or will soon be punished.

    These websites have been accused of spreading 40 obscene novels that according to local media are harmful to teenagers' minds and bodies and may lure them to commit deviant crimes. An unnamed representative from the Audio & Video and Online Publication Management Division of China's General Administration of Press and Publication says that publishing pornographic and sexually explicit content online is against China's national laws and relevant regulations.

    China's National Office of Anti-Porn and Anti-Piracy and GAPP have jointly issued an emergency notice, asking relevant government departments at all levels to stop the spread and publishing of "unhealthy" content online with a particular focus on online smut novels. The notice also requires the news management departments at various levels in the country strengthen the supervision of online publication content in the region and punish websites that fail to remain clean.

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