MII: 70% Telecom Complaints Concerned Inter-Network Communications Quality
7/25/2007 09:52  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    In the "Announcement on Telecom Service Quality" recently released by China's Ministry of Information Industry, MII says it received 9117 complaints on telecom service in the second quarter of this year.

    Of those, 19.0% were made on communications quality, up 0.2 percent compared with the first quarter, and the complaints on inter-network communications quality accounted for 70.4% of the total complaints made on communications quality. The announcement says that the complaints on inter-network communications quality were mainly about the inter-network communications quality between China Telecom and China Netcom in March and April.

    Complaints concerning telecom charges accounted for 57.2%, which was 12.8% percent points higher than the previous quarter, and users' complaints about Shanghai Mobile's cancellation of mobile phone WAP online packages was the hot spot for the quarter, accounting for 24.4% of the total complaints.

    MII said it had quickly responded to users' complaints and solved the main complaints in short periods of time, however it has not released figures about the average length it took to correct those problems.

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