AsiaInfo To Deploy Telecom Account Inquiry System
7/17/2007 10:21  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    AsiaInfo Holdings (ASIA) has won a contract from Zhejiang Telecom, a subsidiary of China Telecom, to deploy an integrated account inquiry system.

    The integrated account inquiry system will integrate with Zhejiang Telecom's existing billing platform and support current post-paid fixed line voice, PHS, and broadband services. The readily accessible billing records will be used to provide greater detail for end user inquiries as well as serve as a valuable resource for Zhejiang Telecom's business intelligence and CRM systems.

    "As an important component of AsiaInfo's leading billing solution, the account inquiry system has been widely adopted by China's mobile operators. This agreement is an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate the value of this solution for fixed line operators," said Steve Zhang, president and CEO of AsiaInfo. "We are confident that our sophisticated account inquiry system will help our fixed-line customers improve customer satisfaction."

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