Intel Enters Cooperation With Lenovo In China
7/13/2007 10:24  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    Computer chip supplier Intel is enhancing its cooperation with China's local PC manufacturers to consolidate its position in the Chinese market.

    Intel has just set up an Innovation Commercial Use Computer Technology Platform Accelerator in cooperation with Lenovo.

    Being the first of its kind in the world, the new accelerator is located in Lenovo's Innovation Center in Beijing and is used to display Intel's latest processor technology and serves as a purchase experience platform for IT clients across the world.

    This cooperation between Intel and Lenovo is a bit out of expectation for IT professionals, for in 2004 Lenovo announced plans to cooperate with AMD, and since then the two sides' relationships has been very low-key.

    Lenovo says it may also bring this cooperation pattern with Intel to its businesses in other parts of the world.

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