IT Giants Alliance will Promote Netcafe Development
7/11/2007 10:08  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    The Culture Market Development Center of China's Ministry of Culture and the Jilin Provincial Netcafe Association have formed a strategic alliance with eight technology suppliers.

    Those suppliers are Ruijie Networks, AMD, Vimicro, HP, Founder, Tsinghua Tongfang, TCL and Shanda. These companies will help guide the harmonious development of China's burgeoning netcafe industry and help the industry to advance to a higher level.

    Of the eight suppliers, Ruijie Networks is a pioneer in China's domestic netcafe industry. It launched the first types of dedicated netcafe routers in China and its overall advanced netcafe network solution called the "Red Giant".

    ZhuYiping,deputy general manager of Ruijie Networks, said that China's netcafe industry is an industry full of hope, but it can't operate normally without a proper network of businesses and professionals guiding it.

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