Intel Joins Hands With 13 Channel Operators
2007Äê6ÔÂ30ÈÕ 16:14 Resource: China Tech News

     In cooperation with 13 channel operators, Intel (INTC) has launched a joint maintenance program called "Mei Lian Deng" to provide better maintenance for PC consumers across China.

     The 13 channel operators are Shenzhen Jumper Computer, Chengdu Doyen, Daqing Tonqin, Shenyang Lianfang, Yunan Jinli, Zhejiang IETO, Chongqing Bada, Xi'an Haixing Tianhui, Beijing Heyuan Muze, Shanxi Tongzhou, Zhengzhou Zhongcheng, Tianjin Enbo'er and Wuhan Lanxing, all of which are main PC selling brands of their respective cities. With their cooperation, Intel and these 13 channel operators will combine their expertise to provide maintenance services for each other's brands.

     Analysts quoted in local media say though these local PC brands take very little market share, Intel insists in supporting them just to keep a good balance with other PC giants. This is also a way out for Intel to expand market share.

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