Hubei Mobile Cleanses Unused Mobile Phone Numbers
10/12/2007 11:43  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    Hubei Mobile's subsidiaries have recently reorganized all unused mobile phone numbers and brought them out again to meet users' increasing demands.

    Some mobile phone users have left their phone numbers unused for a long time and this causes a waste of resources and loss to other users. In order to improve the utility of mobile phone numbers and prevent loss for users, Hubei Mobile has initiated this recycling of the unused numbers.

    Local media reports speculate that unused numbers are mainly the result of the migrant economy in which some migrant workers usually apply for a mobile phone number when they stay in a city but they don't cancel the number when they return to their hometown.

    Since May, Hubei Mobile's each branch has been taking various measures to cleanse out the unused number market. The measures include contacting users by calling them to recall the unused numbers and notifying other users that they can choose to use these numbers left unused.

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